Type #1 The bow saw. Was first offered as a 18" size in 1946, a 14" unit was added in 1947 and a 24" saw joined the line up in 1948. A 1952 sales flyer offers only the 18" size, so we must assume that the 14 & 24 were dropped, and no longer offered after this date.
The type#2 which was previously offered only as a 22" beaver tail, was now offered with a 19" & 27" beaver tail (BT) the 22" size was discontinued
Type #3 The straight bar saw with a helper handle, offered in three sizes 20", 26" and 32" This type appears to have been discontinued about 1950
1946-1948 Model#1 ......The original Precision saw has a casted metal fuel tank bolted on top of the casted fan shroud, with a brass oiler. This model also has a separate hand clutch lever. The bow type has casted-in handle, and embossed wording "Precision Parts Ltd" Color: Dark Gray
The 19T and 27 BT models, do in fact refer to bar lengths. It appears that about 1951Precision stopped offering the type#3 (20",26", 32" w/helper) saw.
Type 1 Model 3
Fabricated in Montreal/Lachine,Quebec,Canada.by PRECISION PARTS LTD.
YEAR INTRODUCED: 1946 Company out of business around 1952
Chain ride inside a track with replacable wear guards.
Pressure plate slip clutch engaging with a lever......and more....